Björn Dahlström, nojatuoli, "Kaskad", Nola Design Furniture, Ruotsi, irtotyynyt "Vågsvall", Marimekko.
Punaiseksi maalattua terästä. Istuinkorkeus 34,5-43 cm, leveys 69 cm, kok. korkeus 92 cm. Malli muotoiltu v. 2011.
Marimekon irtotyynyt kolme eri kokoa, n. 46x46 cm, 40x40 cm ja 36x36 cm. "Vågsvall"-kangas suunniteltu v. 2007.
Yleisvaikutelma erittäin hyvä.
"Kaskad":lle myönnettyjä palkintoja:
Swedish Design S Award 2012
The Red Dot Design Award Winner 2013
ELLE Interiörs -designpalkinto Vuoden ulkokaluste 2012
Björn Dahlström: "For the Marimekko 70th anniversary object I decided to use my 2007 print Vågsvall. The pattern is abstract, based on slightly curved lines that are repeated and distorted with the help of the 3d-software.
This Marimekko pattern came in several colour schemes, the pattern has a basic colour, red in this case, and the lines differ.
Three cushions are upholstered with the textile. The cushions are then put into a Kaskad lounge chair painted in bespoke red to match the cushions.
Kaskad is made up entirely of steel wire, the chair is designed in the same particular software that I use for most projects, so there is a visual kinship between the pattern and the chair.
The Kaskad lounge is, by the way celebrating its own 10-year anniversary, manufactured and sold by the Swedish company Nola Design Furniture."