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”The Family of Man”, 1713, illustrated with engravings and woodcuts

”The Family of Man”, 1713, illustrated with engravings and woodcuts

Johan Peringskiöld:

En book af menniskiones slächt, och Jesu Christi börd, eller Bibliskt slächt-register […] efter then Heliga skrift och lärda mäns böcker sammansatt.

Stockholm, Olof Enæus, 1713. Folio. (41 x 26,8 cms.) [4] + 210 pp. (last page misnumbered 120) + engraved title + 6 engraved plates (incl. two in small format and one which is included in pagination) engraved by Truls Arfwedson, O. Thelott and T. Spiegelberg. Texten with numerous woodcut illustrations. Printed addenda to table on pp. 84-5 loosely laid in.

An attractive copy in contemporary full calf, insignificant wear, slight worming of spine, without front flyleaf. Neat old signature (”Torin”) and later bookplate of Fredrik af Sandeberg.

Old Testament genealogy.


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