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Elzevirs 1628, 1629, 1631 (Venice, Rome, Italy) (3 vol)

Elzevirs 1628, 1629, 1631 (Venice, Rome, Italy) (3 vol)

Gasparo Contarini: De Republica Venetorum. Libri quinque. Item synopsis reip. Venetae, et alii de eadem discursus politici. Editio secunda auctior. Leiden, Elzevir, 1628. 10,5 x 5,5 cm. 432 pp. Cont. vellum, worn, old monogram inscription to title, title in recent ms to spine. The second of two 1628 editions. Berghman 1721. Willems 293.

Pieter Schryver: Respublica Romana. Leiden, Elzevir, 1629. 11 x 5,5 cms. 576 pp. incl. engraved title. Cont. vellum, neat old ownership inscription on front flyleaf, engraved title cropped along top margin without loss of image. Title in recent ms to spine. Berghman 1585. Willems 321.

Jean De Laet: De principatibus Italiae. Tractatus vary. Editio secunda. Leiden, Elzevir, 1631. 10,6 x 5,5 cms. 382 pp. incl. engraved title. Cont. vellum, yapp edges, 17th-century annotation to title, recent ms title to spine. Berghman 1727. Willems 356. Originally published in 1628. There are two printings of the 1631 edition, this is the first, with the privilege leaf.


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