Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Roman History

Roman History

René-Aubert Vertot (Abbé Vertot):

Histoire des revolutions […] dans le gouvernement de la republique romaine. Cinquieme edition. 1-3.

A La Haye, Antoine van Dole, 1737. 8vo. (16,2 x 9,5 cms.) [2] + lxxii + 404; + [2] + 452; + [2] + 432 + [60] pp. + engraved portrait in first part. Titles with engraved vignette, publisher’s ads. on final leaves. Threee volumes. Slightly worn but attractive contemporary half vellum. Ownership inscription of Warner Groen (1770-1834), Swedish Consul in Riga.


Franciscus Schottus (1548-1622):

Itinerarii Italiae rerumq. romanarum libri tres. […] Editio quarta.

Antwerpen, Plantin / Moretus, 1625. 12mo. (14,2 x 8,2 cms.) [24] + 720 pp. With the Plantin device at beginning and end. Contemporary full vellum, lightly worn and stained, manuscript title, endleaves loose exposing boards. Bookplate: Hammer. A book on Italian topography which saw a number of editions.

Two works on Roman history and Italian / Roman topography respectively. Three volumes, cont. half vellum with engr. portrait frontis. and head-pieces (fine), and cont. full vellum (creased front endpapers, manuscript vellum strips revealed at both joints). First work with ownership inscriptions of Warner Groen (1770-1834), second work with Hammer bookplate.


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