Robertus Caracciolus:
Sermones de adventu, Sermo de S. Joseph, Sermo de Beatitudine, Sermones de divina caritate, Sermones de immortalitate animae. [And:] Dominicus Bollanus: De conceptione B.V.M.
[Strassburg], The R-Printer (Adolf Rusch), not after 1475. Folio. 27,9 x 19,3 cm. 168 leaves (of [174], lacking 6 leaves in the beginning).
Later half vellum, worn, spine label defective. Rubricated throughout with many 2-5 line initials penned in red, marginal drawing of foliage on two introductory leaves, first (blank) leaf somewhat soiled, worming to last 50 leaves (increasing toward end), marginal repairs to final 3 leaves and one to center of final, blank page (affecting a few letters on recto).
NB: According to annotations in the book and in Bonhams’ catalogue of 2014 there are 167 leaves present (and 7 lacking); however the first blank leaf present appears to be part of the book due to its watermark, which would bring the total to 168 leaves. Provenance: Bonhams San Francisco 21845 (22 Sep. 2014), 2.
ISTC ic00138000. GW 6046.
A collection of sermons of the popular 15th-century preacher, Franciscan, theologian, and Bishop of Aquino and later of Lecce, Robertus Caracciolus.
See description.