A bisquit sculpture of a huntsman, after model by Bertel Thorvaldsen. Bing & Gröndahl, Denmark, 20th Century.
From the series of John the Baptist. Height 29 cm.
Repair by staff, piece missing.
From the Collection of Henrik Petrini (1931-2015). The collection has been sensitively put together by the avid collector over the past 35 years. Buying from private Swedish collections, auctions and on travels abroad. The collection shows his great interest in glazes, porcelain painting and potting techniques garnered from extensive study of the subject. It is a broad and comprehensive study collection. Henrik Petrini had an engineering degree from the Swedish Defence University. He was an officer at the Artillery, followed by a civil career for the American company IBM.
Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844), var en dansk-isländsk skulptör inom nyklassicismen. Han var under större delen av sitt liv verksam i Rom, vilket bland annat märks genom Piazza Thorvaldsen i nordkanten av Villa Borghese. Många av hans verk finns samlade på Thorvaldsens Museum i Köpenhamn.