Three salt and pepper shakers, a sauce boat and a sauce tureen, "Blue Fluted"/"Musselmalet", Royal Copenhagen.
Decorated with underglaze blue with fluted relief.
Salt and pepper shakers decorated with "P" and "S", model 467, 480, marked "1/467" and "1/480" with blue painter's signatures "11." and "dx", green stamps "Danmark" and crowns. Height approx. 8.5 cm. Early 20th century.
Sauce boat model 308, shell-shaped, marked "1/308" blue painter's signature "69." green stamp "Royal Copenhagen Denmark", post 1923. Length 15.5, height 10.5 cm.
Sauce tureen with cover, two handles, round, model 491, marked "1/491" blue painter's signature "87" green stamps "RH" and "Royal Copenhagen", 1898-1923. The cover with so-called 'bølgelinier' or wave pattern and blue painter's signature "16.", height 13 cm.
Model 467 originally called "Pepperbøsse" designer J. Jacobsen May 1900.
Model 480 originally called "Saltbøsse" designer J. Jacobsen May 1900.
Model 308 originally called "Sauceskål uden fad" designer N.G. Henriksen March 1884.
Modell 491 originally called "Sauceterrin, rund" deisgned before 1884.
Minor wear.