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Lotte Laserstein

(Tyskland/Sverige, 1898-1993)
400 000 - 500 000 SEK
36 000 - 45 000 EUR
38 100 - 47 600 USD
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Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Lena Rydén
Lena Rydén
Johtava taideasiantuntija, moderni- ja 1800-luvun taide
+46 (0)707 78 35 71
Lotte Laserstein
(Tyskland/Sverige, 1898-1993)

Thines Ahlcrona-Ohlsén

Signed Lotte Laserstein and dated 1939. Panel 92,5 x 62,5 cm.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Gift from the artist to Thines Ahlcrona-Ohlsén.
Thence by descent to the seller.


Modern Art Museum, "Lotte Laserstein - A Divided Life", in Malmö 6 May 2023 – 1 October 2023, in Stockholm 11 November 2023 - 14 April 2024.


Iris Müller-Westermann & Anna-Carola Krausse, "Lotte Laserstein, Ett delat liv", Moderna Museet, 2024, illustrated p. 115.

Muut tiedot

"The portrait of Thines Ahlcrona Ohlsén (1894-1991) exudes more artistic freedom than many of Laserstein's other projects. Ahlcrona Ohlsén was a reform pedagogue who ran a preschool in her home on Ehrensvärdsgatan near Värnhem in Malmö. Laserstein paints her standing in three quarter profile, the teacher meeting the observer face to vace with a watchful, calm gaze. With one hand in the pocket of her white coat and the other resting on her hip, she stands as steady as a rock. Laserstein captures an impressive confidence and strength, emphasized by Thines' powerful hands and angular face, which is framed by her medium length dark hair.

The two children that have been entrusted to the teacher stand to the left in the picture, protected at her side, quitly immersed in their own worlds. The red bureau with the old counting device on it, along with the maroon tones of the children's clothes, make Thines look luminous in her white coat. The portait is painted on cardboard, and in many places, Laserstein allows the unprimed surface to show through as if to underscore the preschool teacher's sincerity, earthy warmth, and integrity.

We do not know today how Lotte Laserstein and Thines Ahlcrona Ohlsén met, but it is possible that Thines took care of children from families whose portraits Laserstein painted in Malmö. The two became very close friends, and when Lotte decided to bulld a summer cottage on Öland in the 1950s, it was next to Thines and her husband Erik Ohlsé's property." Moderna museet, "Lotte Laserstein - a divided life", 1924, exhibition catalogue p. 114.