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Maria Friberg

(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1966)
100 000 - 125 000 SEK
9 280 - 11 600 EUR
9 820 - 12 300 USD
70 000 SEK
Kuuluu jälleenmyyntikorvauksen piiriin

Lain mukaan ostaja maksaa tästä taideteoksesta taiteilijapalkkion. Enimmäismaksu on 5 %. Mitä korkeampi myyntihinta, sitä pienempi prosenttiosuus. Lisätietoja tästä laista:

Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Suomen : Kuvasto
Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

Tietoa ostamisesta
Kuvan käyttöoikeudet

Tämän tietokannan taideteokset ovat tekijänoikeudella suojattuja, eikä niitä saa kopioida ilman oikeudenhaltijoiden lupaa. Teokset kopioidaan tässä tietokannassa Bildupphovsrättin lisenssillä.

Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Karin Aringer
Karin Aringer
Asiantuntija – nykytaide ja valokuva
+46 (0)702 63 70 57
Maria Friberg
(Ruotsi, Syntymävuosi 1966)

'Way Ahead 1', 2009

Signed Maria Friberg and numbered AP 2/2 verso. Total edition of 5 + 2 AP. C-print silicone mounted to glass 50 x 294 cm.


Maria Friberg and Art and Theory Publishing, "Maria Friberg; Changed Positions", 2015, illustrated on spread p. 50-51.

Muut tiedot

"Way ahead is a photographic series about how we meet our future. You can
neither be in the future nor see the future, but you can have an idea of
what the future will bring and see a diffuse picture of it in your head.

Idea-wise I was inspired by paintings of historic battles such as the Battle
of Lützen, etc. Men rising up in the fog trying to see what has happened and
where they are. These paintings have also inspired me from a design
perspective, as they are often created in extreme horizontal formats. Long
and narrow, these pictures give a sense of time and concurrently refer to
the oblong screens of feature film. This horizontality also anchors the
pictures to the ground, they become extreme landscape paintings. The cut of
the images gives the feeling that you are sitting in a bunker looking out at
the world.

While working with this series of photographs, the battle field feeling has
become more and more a sense of uncertainty and optimism for the future.
Meeting that which is to come with expectation.

The men are standing and sitting like figures in an architecture model. They
are unreachable. They create perspective and direction in the diffuse
landscape with their bodies. It is these directions – inwards towards
themselves and outwards, forwards – that form the core of the work. A still

Quote from mariafriberg.com