Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen
Nils Möllerberg – The Sculptor Part I F626
Sivert Oldenvi Collection II F632
ateljé Lyktan 90 Years – Edition Bukowskis E1158
Björn Borg and Lennart Bergelin – Developing Greatness E1179
Spring Eclectic F603
Paavo Tynell – part two F623
Nordic Classicism & Modernist Design F622
Helsinki Design Sale F612
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Huutokauppa: 15.−16. huhtikuuta 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Huutokauppa: 15. huhtikuuta 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Huutokauppa: 20.−21. toukokuuta 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Huutokauppa: 11.−13. kesäkuuta 2025

Important Spring Sale 649

Lopulliset hinnat

200A Swedish 18th Century parcel-gilt silver beaker, mark of Henrik Nourin, Norrköping 1753.8 500 SEK
201A Swedish 18th Century silver beaker, marks of Johan Steinfort, Stockholm 1758.4 000 SEK
202A Swedish early Rococo silver tea-pot, mark of Nils Bergqvist, Stockholm 1754.Ei myyty
203A Swedish 18th century silver tea-pot, marks of Johannes Nordgren, Jönköping 1788.18 000 SEK
204A Swedish 18th century silver sugar-casket, mark of Hans Lundgren, Stockholm 1770.Ei myyty
205A Swedish Rococo 18th Century silver sugar-casket, marks of Petter Davidsson, Norrköping 1750.Ei myyty
206A Swedish 16th century parcel-gilt silver spoon, mark of Mats Pedersen, Malmö (-1532-1563).170 000 SEK
207A Swedish parcel-gilt silver spoon, probably Albrekt Lockert (1623-1653), Stockholm.11 000 SEK
208A Scandinavian 17th Century parcel-gilt silver spoon.5 500 SEK
209A Swedish 18th century silver spoon, marks of Albrecht Hoborg (1705-1747), Kristianstad, possibly 1734.8 500 SEK
210A Norwegian silver spoon, probably Anders Andersen Heins, Trondheim circa 1650.Ei myyty
211A Swedish silver spoon, probably Anders Andersson Amour (1684-1692), Stockholm.Ei myyty
212A probably Norwegian 17th century silver spoon, no makers mark. Engraved 1696.3 000 SEK
213A probably Scandinavian 17th Century silver spoon, unidentified makers mark, engraved 1649.3 500 SEK
214A Swedish 18th Century parcel-gilt silver beaker, maker's mark Johan Pettersson Berg, Norrköping, 1766.8 500 SEK
215A Swedish 18th Century parcel-gilt silver beaker, mark of Erik Enander, Uppsala 1786.10 000 SEK
216A Swedish 18 century parcel-gilt silver beaker, marks of Carl Fredrik Seseman, Arboga 1792.4 000 SEK
217A Swedish 18th century silver beaker, marks of Eric Langberg, Söderhamn 1793.8 000 SEK
218A pair of Swedish 18 century silver candelabras, mark of Lars Åkerblom Gävle 1775, arms by Christian Kullberg.Ei myyty
218AA pair of Swedish 18th century silver candlesticks, marks of Petter Lund, Stockholm 1758.Ei myyty
219Two Swedish Rococo silver candlesticks, marks of Jakob Lampa, Stockholm 1764 and 1778.60 000 SEK
220A pair of French silver candlesticks. Marks of Antoine Bailly. With charge and decharge marks for Paris 1750-1756.20 000 SEK
221An 18th Century Rococo silver candlestick, mark of Isak Trybom, Stockholm 1780.Ei myyty
222A Swedish Gustavian silver coffee-pot, marks of Joachim Ljungberg, Norrköping 1785.12 000 SEK
223A Swedish Gustavian late 18th Century silver coffee pot, mark of Erik Ernander, Uppsala 1788.10 000 SEK
224A Swedish 18th Century silver beaker, possibly Mikael Sedelin (1788-1807 (1809)), Sundvall 1794.8 000 SEK
225A Swedish Silver Ladle, mark of Anders Lundman, Stockholm 1757.5 000 SEK
226A pair of Swedish silver candlesticks, marks of Sigismund Novisadi the younger, Karlskrona 1780.Ei myyty
227A pair of Swedish 18th Century Gustavian silver candlesticks, marks of Magnus Ljungqvist, Kristianstad 1793.Ei myyty
228A pair of Swedish 18th century silver candlesticks, mark of Johan Ekholm, Stockholm 1799.20 000 SEK
229A pair of Swedish 18th century silver candlesticks, mark of Petter Eneroth, Stockholm 1800.36 000 SEK
230A Swedish Gustavian parcel-gilt silver cream-jug, mark of Pehr Zethelius, Stockholm 1792.13 000 SEK
231A pair of Swedish Rococo sauce-jugs, mark of Anders Schotte, Uddevalla 1794.Ei myyty
232A Swedish silver sugar bowl, Johan Schvart, Karlskrona 1791 and suger spoon, Gustaf Möllenborg, Stockholm 1892.Ei myyty
233A silver suger bowl, marks of Johan Fredrik Wildt, Stockholm 1798, and a silver suger tong, Nils Arf, Stockholm 1799.6 000 SEK
234A Swedish 18th Century silver tea-urn with stand and burner, Stockholm 1793, restamped Gustaf Folcker (1807-1865).13 000 SEK
235A pair of Swedish Gustavian 18th Century parcel-gilt silver salt cellars, Pehr Zethelius, Stockholm 1793.7 000 SEK
236A Swedish late 18th Century Gustavian parcel-gilt butter-box, marks of Pehr Zethelius, Stockholm 1794..10 000 SEK
237A Swedish Gustavian late 18th Century parcel-gilt silver Creamer, mark of Sven Pihlgren, Jönköping 1799.4 500 SEK
238A Swedish 18th century silver beaker, marks of Johan Martin Loëll, Falun 1794.6 400 SEK
239A Swedish early 19th Century silver beaker, marks of Johan Leffler, Falun 1809.6 000 SEK
240A Swedish silver beaker, marks of Olof Löfvander, Luleå 1812.9 500 SEK
241A Swedish parcel-gilt silver beaker, marks of Erik Gustaf Öström, Gävle 1855.Ei myyty
242A Swedish Gustavian 18th century silver coffee-pot, mark of Petter Eneroth, Stockholm 1792.8 000 SEK
243A Swedish Gustavian silver coffee-pot, mark of Pehr Zethelius, Stockholm 1797.Ei myyty
244A Swedish 18th century silver brandy-bowl, mark of Christopher Bauman, Hudiksvall 17897.8 000 SEK
245A Swedish early 19th century parcel-gilt silver brandy-bowl, marks of Johan Westerberg, (1807-1829) Piteå.4 600 SEK
246A Swedish Gustavian silver coffee-pot, marks of Samuel Lyberg, Borås 1779-1834.9 000 SEK
247A pair of Swedish 18th Century Gustavian parcel-gilt silver salt cellars, marks of Pehr Zethelius, Stockholm 1798.7 500 SEK
248A pair of Swedish early 19th century silver candelsticks, mark of Jacob Hallardt, Stockholm 1811.Ei myyty
249A pair of Swedish silver candle sticks, marks of Carl Magnus Ryberg, Stockholm, around 1820.8 000 SEK
250A Swedish 18th Century silver tea-pot, marks of Diedrich Schvart, Karlskrona 1814.11 000 SEK
251A Swedish Empire silver coffee-pot, marks of Adolf Zethelius, Stockholm 1835.6 500 SEK
252A Swedish early 19th Century silver sugar bowl with lid, marks of Johan Malmstedt, Gothenburg 1810.Ei myyty
253A pair of Swedish early 19th Century silver suger bowls with lids, marks of Johan Fredrik Björnstedt, Stockholm 1815.24 000 SEK
254A Danish early 18th century silver spoon, unidentified makers mark, Copenhagen between 1717-1729.3 000 SEK
255A probably Scandinavian 17th/18th Century silver spoon, no makers mark.3 000 SEK
256A probably Norwegian 18th century silver spoon, unidentified makers mark.4 500 SEK
257A probably Norwegian 18th century silver spoon, unidentified makers mark KH.3 000 SEK
258A probably Scandinavian 18th Century silver spoon, no makers mark.3 000 SEK
259A possibly Scandinavian 18th Century silver spoon, unclear makers mark.3 000 SEK
260A Baroque silver spoon, mark of Adam Neuhof, Viborg, Denmark (1703-1723).2 200 SEK
261A probably Swedish 18th Century parcel-gilt silver tumbler, unidentified makers mark LWK.Ei myyty
262A Swedish 19th century silver tray, mark of Gustaf Möllenborg, Stockholm 1840.16 000 SEK
263A Swedish early 19th Century silver tankard, mark of Adolf Zethelius, Stockholm 1831.25 000 SEK
264A set of four Swedish early 19th Century silver candlesticks, mark of Adolf Zethelius, Stockholm 1814 and 1818.Ei myyty
265A Swedish parcel-gilt silver decanter, mark of Christian Hammer, Stockholm 1876.5 000 SEK
266A silver beaker with lid. Swedish import stamps and K Anderson, Gothenburg, 1913.19 000 SEK
267A Swedish early 20th Century silver bowl with lid, on a plate, Karl Anderson, Stockholm 1911. Gift from Queen Sofia.10 000 SEK
268A Swedish early 20th Century silver tray, mark of CG Hallberg, Stockholm 1917.18 000 SEK
269A Swedish 20th Century silver cutlery-set of 114 pieces, marks of WA.Bolin, Stockholm 1920 and 1933.32 000 SEK
270An Austrian 18th century neoclassical mirror with silver frame, possibly Joseph Winkler, Vienna 1798.9 500 SEK
271A George III sterling silver ewer, marks of John Scofield, London 1787.Ei myyty
272A pair of English silver salt-cellars/Condiments set, marks of Benjamin Preston, London 1838-39.5 000 SEK
273A pair of English 19th century silver dishes and cover, mark of William Ker Reid, London 1848.24 000 SEK
274An English pair of 18th Century silver candlesticks, mark of John Winter & Co, Sheffield 1775.Ei myyty
275A pair of Italian candlesticks, silver, Rome (1815-1870), possibly Domenico Masotti (1815-1858).Ei myyty
276A pair of 19th Century silver candelabra. No makers mark. Northern Europe, Swedish hallmark.20 000 SEK
277Suger bowl with lid, silver, unidentified master, possibly Raffaele Sisino, Naples 1832-1872.Ei myyty
278A pair of eight-light Louis XV-style silver candelabra, mark of Hermann Julius Wilm, Berlin, circa 1900.26 000 SEK
279A German mid- 19th century silver jewelry box, mark of Brahmfeld & Gutruf, Hamburg.19 000 SEK
280A pair of silver beaker/chalice. Assay master mark of Ivan Lebedkin, Moscow 1899-1908.Ei myyty
281An Austria-Hungary silver cigarette case, marks of Georg Adam Scheid, Vienna 1882-1921.5 000 SEK
282A pair of 19th century silver serving dishes, unidentified makers mark AHB, S:t Petersburg 1818-1864.28 000 SEK
283A pair of early 19th Century silver soap boxes, marks of Christian Andreas Jantzen, St Peterburg 1830.Ei myyty
284A 19th Century silver box, possibly marks of Vasily Potsov Moscow 1843.5 000 SEK
285A 19th Century silver filigree box, unidentified makers mark R.K, Assay master mark of Ivan Lebedkin, Moscow 1898-1908.5 500 SEK
286A silver-gilt enameled kovsch, marks of Khlebnikov, Moscow 1908-1917.60 000 SEK
287A silver kovsch, mark of the 11th Artel, Moscow 1908-1917.26 000 SEK
288Twelve gilt silver teaspoons, marks of Nikolai Alekseev, Moscow 1886.7 500 SEK
289A Russian parcel-gilt silver and cloisonné enamel cigarette-case, Bril & Girshman, Moscow 1908-1917.34 000 SEK
290A late 18th century gold box en deux couleurs and enamel, probably Hanau.50 000 SEK
291A late 18th century gold box en deux colour and enamel, possibly Hanau, Louis XVI.60 000 SEK
292A late 18th century gold and enamel box, possibly Hanau.40 000 SEK
293An early 19th century gold and enamel box, unidentified makers mark, possibly Hanau, Empire.125 000 SEK
294A Royal presentation gold box by Matthieu Philippe, Paris 1776-77, miniature of Gustaf III by Johan Georg Henrichsen.165 000 SEK
296ACONDITIONAL SALE, lots no 295 and 296.580 000 SEK
297A Louis XVI gold and enamel box by Charles Le Bastier, Paris 1776-1777.120 000 SEK
298A French 18 K gold box, assay master Jean-François Kalendrin, Paris 1789-1791.28 000 SEK
299A French gold box en quatre couleurs, marks of Christian Petschler, Paris 1814-1822.50 000 SEK