Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Elis Eriksson

(Ruotsi, 1906-2006)
15 000 - 18 000 SEK
1 350 - 1 620 EUR
1 430 - 1 710 USD
42 000 SEK
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Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Suomen : Kuvasto
Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

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Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Marcus Kinge
Marcus Kinge
Asiantuntija taidegrafiikka
+46 (0)739 40 08 27
Elis Eriksson
(Ruotsi, 1906-2006)


Signed Elis E on verso. Painted wood, collage, 31 x 35 cm.

Muut tiedot

Elis Eriksson studied at Konsthögskolan in Stockholm 1934-39. In 1959 Eriksson had his artistic breakthrough, when he exhibited wooden reliefs and paper collage with his characteristic mixture of text and paint. Eriksson considered this period his artistic rebirth.

In 1965 he decorated Galerie Burén, Stockholm in white cardboard on which he drew stories in ink about the cowboy Pavan and his reckless adventures on the American prairie.

Eriksson’s now classic words ”Håll tjeften” (Shut up, misspelled), calls for rebellion and a refusal to obey. By doing his dyslexia to a personal expression, he turned it from a weakness to his strength.

Eriksson was versatile and committed artist who felt for the poor and exposed, for the disabled and different.

The same year as he died, 2006, Eriksson participated in the exhibition ”Modernautställningen” at Moderna Museet, Stockholm, which showed a selection of contemporary and significant artists. Eriksson’s postion as one of the most important Swedish post-modern artists is unquestionable.