Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Carl Milles

(Ruotsi, 1875-1955)
150 000 - 200 000 SEK
13 500 - 18 000 EUR
14 300 - 19 000 USD
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Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

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Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Lisa Gartz
Lisa Gartz
Johtava Asiantuntija Hopea ja Veistokset
+46 (0)709 17 99 93
Carl Milles
(Ruotsi, 1875-1955)

"Bror och syster" (=Brother and sister)

Stamp signed C Milles. Foundry mark LR20 Cire perdue. Height 60 cm (including stone base 65 cm).


Henrik Cornell, Carl Milles - hans verk", SAK, 1963, mentioned an compare ill. at p. 144.

Muut tiedot

In the Falls Church cemetery outside Washington, Carl Milles was commissioned in 1940 to make a large fountain with several different sculptures in the form of human figures in different groupings. It was named The Fountain of Faith and became Carl Milles’ most extensive work of art and what he himself came to regard as his foremost. Each of the fountain's life-size figures evokes a specific individual whom Milles knew before their death.
The current catalogue number called "Brother and sister" is one of the sculpture groups originally made for this fountain but Milles later decided not to use. Instead, he made this slender group a stand-alone composition.