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Marc Chagall

(Ranska, 1887-1985)
1 200 000 - 1 500 000 SEK
108 000 - 135 000 EUR
117 000 - 147 000 USD
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Lena Rydén
Lena Rydén
Johtava taideasiantuntija, moderni- ja 1800-luvun taide
+46 (0)707 78 35 71
Marc Chagall
(Ranska, 1887-1985)

"L'artiste et l'ange"

Signed Marc Chagall. Executed in 1982. Charcoal, colour crayon and ink on japan paper 67 x 51 cm. Certificate by David Mac Neil (son to Marc Chagall) dated 24.10.8 comes with this lot. This work will be presented to the Comité Chagall on December 3, 2019.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

The estate of Marc Chagall.
Swedish private collection.
Galleri Ferm, Göteborg.
Swedish private collection.

Muut tiedot

The painting "L'artiste et l'ange" was executed in 1982 during a period of stability and harmony at the end of Chagall's life. "L'artiste et l'ange" includes many of the symbols and subjects that Chagall returned to in his oevre; love, religion, dreams and fantasy. In his unconventional world filled with animals, flowers and people we find the bridal couple, the soaring hornblower, the angel, the houses climbing the hill of the village and Christian and Jewish symbols. Chagall would often return to previous motifs, drawing inspiration and making new interpretations based on memory. In the composition, the artist has seated himself at the easel, working on a canvas depicting the crucifixion, a reference to the artist's important suite of paintings from 1938.