Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Eric Grate

(Ruotsi, 1896-1983)
85 000 - 90 000 SEK
7 670 - 8 120 EUR
8 300 - 8 790 USD
85 000 SEK
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Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Suomen : Kuvasto
Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

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Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Lisa Gartz
Lisa Gartz
Johtava Asiantuntija Hopea ja Veistokset
+46 (0)709 17 99 93
Eric Grate
(Ruotsi, 1896-1983)

"Mediterranean idols"

Signed Eric Grate and HC1. Foundery H. Bergman, Cire perdue. The motif conceived 1931-32. Bronze, dark patina. Height 35 cm (including stone base 37 cm).

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Bought in June 1988 at Gallery Modern, Stockholm, Sweden.


Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, "Eric Grate", 7-29 May 1960. Another copy exhibited as catalogue no 24.
Musée National D'art Moderna, Paris , "Eric Grate, sculpteur Suédois", 22 March - 15 April 1963. Another copy exhibited as catalogue no 20.
Royal Academy of Fine arts, Stockholm, "Eric Grate skulpturer", March 1965. Another copy exhibited as catalogue no 7.
Liljevalchs, "Eric Grate sex decennier 1916-1976", 13 May - 1 August 1976. Another copy exhibited as catalogue no 73 (in bronze) and catalogue no 207 (in terracotta and 113 cm).


Ed. Ragnar von Holten,"En bok om Eric Grate", 1963. The motif described at p. 59, compare ill. in terracotta at p. 65.
Pontus Grate and Ragnar von Holten, "Eric Grate", SAK 1978. The motif described at p. 55, compare ill. at p. 55.

Muut tiedot

Known number of cast is 4+HC.