Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen
Nils Möllerberg – The Sculptor Part I F626
Sivert Oldenvi Collection II F632
ateljé Lyktan 90 Years – Edition Bukowskis E1158
Björn Borg and Lennart Bergelin – Developing Greatness E1179
Spring Eclectic F603
Paavo Tynell – part two F623
Nordic Classicism & Modernist Design F622
Helsinki Design Sale F612
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Huutokauppa: 15.−16. huhtikuuta 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Huutokauppa: 15. huhtikuuta 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Huutokauppa: 20.−21. toukokuuta 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Huutokauppa: 11.−13. kesäkuuta 2025

Syksyn Klassinen Huutokauppa 583

Lopulliset hinnat

607A large blue and white vase, late Qing dynasty (1644-1912).Ei myyty
608A blue and white lotus bowl, late Qing dynasty (1644-1912) with Jiaqing seal mark.Ei myyty
609A blue and white vase, 20th Century.Ei myyty
610A blue and white stemcup, Qing dynasty, 19th century with a Kangxi four carachter mark.Ei myyty
611A blue and red vase, late Qing dynasty, 19th century.12 000 SEK
612A blue and white vase, Qing dynasty 19th century.6 000 SEK
613A blue and white figure scene vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century.44 000 SEK
614A blue and white vase, late Qing dynasty, 19th century.7 000 SEK
615A blue and white vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century.5 000 SEK
616A blue and white tianqiuping vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century with Qianlongs six characters mark.8 000 SEK
617A finely painted dragon dish, Republic (1912-49) with Qianlong seal mark in underglaze.34 000 SEK
619A blue and white lotus dish, Republic (1912-49) with Kangxi six character mark.Ei myyty
620A blue and white dish, Yongzheng mark, Qing Dynasty (1644-1912).6 000 SEK
621A blue and white and iron red dragon dish, late Qingdynasty with Yongzhengs six characters mark.Ei myyty
622A blue and white moon flask, Qing dynasty, 19th century.Ei myyty
623A blue and white vase decorated with lotus-scrolls and bats among clouds, Qing Dynasty, 19th Century.6 000 SEK
624A blue and white bowl, Qing dynasty 19th century. Whit Kangxis six characters mark.Ei myyty
625A blue and white flask, Qing dynasty, 19th century.Ei myyty
626A pair of blue and white jars, Qing dynasty 19th century.7 500 SEK
627A blue and white vase, Qing dynasty with six character mark.3 500 SEK
628A blue and white vase, Qing dynasty (1644-1912).Ei myyty
629A blue and white jar, Qing dynasty, 19th Century, with Kangxi six caracters in underglazeblue.Ei myyty
630A blue and withe vase, 20th Century with Kangxi six character mark.7 500 SEK
631A wucai vase, presumably Republic, first half of 20th Century with Wanli six characters mark.Ei myyty
632A blue and white pot, Qing dynasty, 19th century.11 000 SEK
633Axel Jungstedt, Portrait of the architect Aron Johansson.44 000 SEK
634Jacob Hägg, "Vår örlogsflotta på Västkusten 1905" (Our Coastal Fleet on the West coast 1905).60 000 SEK
635Anna Palm de Rosa, View over stockholm castle from Blasieholmen.35 000 SEK
636Anna Palm de Rosa, "Utanför Kalmar".Ei myyty
637Anna Gardell-Ericson, Excursion to Norderstrand, Gotland.40 000 SEK
638Jenny Nyström, Pierrette.15 000 SEK
639Alf Wallander, Bird's nest.80 000 SEK
640Karl Nordström, "Trädgård, Grez" (Garden, Grez).90 000 SEK
641Helmer Osslund, "Islossning (Faxälven)" [Early spring, Faxälven].85 000 SEK
642Helmer Osslund, Cloudy sky in the mountains.55 000 SEK
643Helmer Osslund, "Regnbyn drar förbi" (Rainy skies).Ei myyty
644Stefan Johansson, The night light.220 000 SEK
645Stefan Johansson, Landscape with cloud.28 000 SEK
646Carl Larsson, "Kvällen före resan till England" (On the eve of the trip to England).2 750 000 SEK
647Nils Kreuger, Boulevard scene, Paris.75 000 SEK
648Nils Kreuger, Horse and carriage in rain, Paris.75 000 SEK
649Nils Kreuger, Parisian street scene.Ei myyty
650Nils Kreuger, Effet de nuit, Paris.Ei myyty
651John Bauer, ”Lena och riddaren dansa” (Lena dances with the knight).760 000 SEK
652Gustaf Fjaestad, "Gård i vinterlandskap".100 000 SEK
653Gustaf Fjaestad, Ski tracks on the mountain.52 000 SEK
654Anshelm Schultzberg, "Vinterdag i Ludvikatrakten" (Winter day near Ludvika).30 000 SEK
655Johan (John) Kindborg, Winter scene from Barnängen, Stockholm.Ei myyty
656Gustaf Fjaestad, "Spår i snön"/"Månsken" (Tracks in the snow / Moonlight).355 000 SEK
657Bruno Liljefors, Hare in winter landscape.185 000 SEK
658Carl Larsson, "Min äldsta dotter" / "Suzanne med mjölk och bok" (My eldest daughter).Ei myyty
659Alfred Bergström, Terpsichore.19 000 SEK
660Gottfrid Kallstenius, Villa d´Este at sunset.32 000 SEK
661Robert Thegerström, "Lavandières".12 000 SEK
662Eva Bonnier, "Midsommar" (Midsummer).105 000 SEK
663Julia Beck, L'Etang Saint-Cucufa, près Vaucresson.1 400 000 SEK
663AJulia Beck, "Gréz par Nemours (Seine et Marne)".75 000 SEK
663BJulia Beck, "Nénuphars (Water Lilies)".75 000 SEK
664Bruno Liljefors, Fox family with mallard.290 000 SEK
665Bruno Liljefors, Eider ducks.180 000 SEK
666Bruno Liljefors, Landscape with geese.150 000 SEK
667Bruno Liljefors, Common eiders in the archipelago.820 000 SEK
668Anders Zorn, "Dam vid Café, Isle de Seguin" (Lady in a Café, Isle de Seguin).2 900 000 SEK
669Prins Eugen, "Stockholmsbatteriet, vinter" (View of Skeppsholmen, winter).70 000 SEK
670Prins Eugen, "Badhuset" (The bath house).50 000 SEK
671Olle Hjortzberg, Still life with apples.40 000 SEK
672Olle Hjortzberg, Still life with roses in a silver beaker.175 000 SEK
673Bernhard Oscarsson, Vinter view over Birger Jarlsgatan.Ei myyty
674Olof Hermelin, "Vid Mälarstranden" (On the bank of lake Mälaren).24 000 SEK
675Alfred Wahlberg, Fog over Huskvarna stream.40 000 SEK
676Johan Krouthén, Sun setting by the lake.38 000 SEK
677Julia Beck, "Högsommartid. Motiv från Rehn"/ "Motiv från Rehntrakten" (High summer. Scene from Rhine).Ei myyty
678Jacob Hägg, "Franskt linjeskepp till segels" (French line ship at sail).150 000 SEK
679Bruno Liljefors, "Körsbärsblomster", motiv från Grez (Cherry blossoms, scene from Grez).80 000 SEK
679AArnold Plagemann, Lighthouse in storm.Ei myyty
681Carl Larsson, "I Montcourt" (In Montcourt).Ei myyty
682Prins Eugen, "Djurgårdsgrönska" (Lush green scene from Djurgården, Stockholm).Ei myyty
683Per Ekström, Sunset.28 000 SEK
684Carl Johansson, Harvest landscape.Ei myyty
685Olof Jernberg, In the archipelago.5 000 SEK
686Carl Trägårdh, River landscape with a boy by a house (probably a scene from the river Isar in Bavaria).Ei myyty
687Carl Wilhelmson, "Höstdag" (Fiskebäckskil) [Autumn day, Fiskebäckskil].160 000 SEK
688Nils Kreuger, "Höst, motiv från Kastellholmen" (Autumn, scene from Kastellholmen, Stockholm).38 000 SEK
689August Strindberg, Storm landscape.11 750 000 SEK
690Johan Tirén, Reindeer herders.100 000 SEK
691Johan Tirén, "Jämtlandssägen" (Fairytale from the north of Sweden).28 000 SEK
692Gustaf Fjaestad, "Knålls Herrgård, Värmland" (Knåll manor house, Värmland).70 000 SEK
693Gustaf Fjaestad, Winter landscape under crimson sky.75 000 SEK
694Bruno Liljefors, Mallards amongst Water lilies.Ei myyty
695Bruno Liljefors, Mallards amongst reeds.Ei myyty
696Bruno Liljefors, "Havstrutar" (Great black-backed gulls).Ei myyty
697Nils Kreuger, "Skymning" (Twilight).100 000 SEK
698Carl Larsson, "En unge" (A kid).Ei myyty
699Anders Zorn, "Spanjorska från Madrid II" (Spanish lady from Madrid II).Ei myyty
700August Hagborg, Fisherwoman on the coast.32 000 SEK
701August Hagborg, AUGUST HAGBORG, oil on relined canvas, signed.Ei myyty
702Emma Ekwall, Girl with kitten.30 000 SEK
703Gerda Tirén, Woman in landscape.16 000 SEK
704Carl Fredrik Hill, French landscape study.Ei myyty
705Carl Fredrik Hill, "Kvinnor med duvor i händerna" (Women with doves in their hands).Ei myyty