Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Fernand Léger

(Ranska, 1881-1955)
250 000 - 300 000 SEK
22 500 - 27 000 EUR
23 800 - 28 500 USD
925 000 SEK
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Fernand Léger
(Ranska, 1881-1955)

"Paysage aux vaches"

Signed F.L. and dated -36. Gouache 65 x 50 cm.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Galerie Louis Leiris, Paris (No G. 252).
Engineer Stig Törnebohm, Malmö, Sweden (acquired from the above).
The collection of Bo and Margareta Lindh, Stockholm, Sweden (acquired from the above in 1963).


Galerie Louis Leiris, Paris, "F. Léger - Dessins et Gouaches 1909-1955, 19 February - 22 March 1958, no. 49, illustrated full page in colour in catalogue.
Malmö Museum, "Léger", September - October 1959, no. 33.


Jean Cassou and Jean Leymarie, "Fernand Leger - Dessins et Gouaches", 1972, listed as no. 188 (with the title "Paysage Animé") and illustrated p. 132.

Muut tiedot

Compare with painting "Paysage animé" executed in 1937.