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Carl Milles

(Ruotsi, 1875-1955)
600 000 - 800 000 SEK
54 100 - 72 100 EUR
58 300 - 77 700 USD
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Lisa Gartz
Lisa Gartz
Johtava Asiantuntija Hopea ja Veistokset
+46 (0)709 17 99 93
Carl Milles
(Ruotsi, 1875-1955)

"Sunglitter", "Naiad and dolphin"

Signed C. Milles and numbered 2/12. Foundry mark Danske Billedhuggeres broncestøber. Bronze, green patina. Height 79 cm, width 71 cm. The original executed 1917-18.


Numbered 2/12. Foundry mark Danske Billedhuggeres brocestøber.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Axel Linds Kunstmuseum Grenen, Skagen, Denmark.


M.P. Verneuil, "Carl Milles - Scupteur Suédois", Brysell, 1929, compare plate no 23 och 24.
Henrik Cornell, "Milles skönhetsvärld",1957, compare pictures no 11-12.

Henrik Cornell, Sveriges Allmänna Konstförening, "Carl Milles", 1963, page 49.
Henrik Cornell, "Carl Milles - hans liv och hans vänner", 1968, page 49.
Editor Eva and Axel Lind, "Grenen Kunstmuseum, Skagen",1977, the lot at the auction on the front cover, mentioned page 85.
Erik Näslund, "Carl Milles - en biografi", 1991, page 178.
Editor Axel Lind, "Grenen Kunstmuseum - 20 års jubileumskatalog", the lot at the auction as picture, page 84, mentioned page 80.

Muut tiedot

n 1917, one of Carl Milles's most famous sculptures was conceived - "Sun Glitter." The naiad that rides on its dolphin is said to have been a favorite figure of the artist. Carl Milles is known as the master of fountains and also created "The Little Triton" and "The Little Naiad" the same year. His earlier work depicted a heavier shape, but during this period, he loosens up the forms and makes them more floating. Tritons, ocean gods, dolphins, fishes and nymphs became the perfect beings for Milles to use to express liberation. He worked on the naiad theme in the Susan Fountain from 1916 and created "Sun Glitter." The liveliness and freedom in the details gives the sculpture a feeling of defying gravitation. It stands outside the Swedish Institute's building, which was designed by Tengbom in 1940, in Rome.