"Carl Wilhelm Scheele"
Signed C. Milles. Foundry mark Herman Bergman Fud. Bronze, dark patina. Height 49 cm.
"Katalog öfver bronser från Herman Bergmans Konstgjuteri A.B. Stockholm", the motif in the size in question mentioned as no 21.
M.P. -Verneuil, "Carl Milles. Sculpteur suédois", vol. I, 1929, the motif mentioned page 32, compare monumental version of the motif, illustrated full page, PL. 1, in vol. II.
Henrik Cornell, "Carl Milles", SAK, 1963, the motif mentioned page 62, compare monumental version of the motif, illustrated full page, page 63.
The motif executed in monumental scale in the city of Köping, 1912.