Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Joan Miró

(Espanja, 1893-1983)
300 000 - 400 000 SEK
27 100 - 36 100 EUR
29 300 - 39 100 USD
1 200 000 SEK
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Joan Miró
(Espanja, 1893-1983)

"Le resume calcule avec l'oiseau"

Signed Miró. Exectuted 1943. Mixed media 11 x 18,5 cm.


The painting will be examined by Jaques Dupin in Paris the 29th of October 2009. The buyer of the painting will complete the purchase once the expertise is performed.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Jean Cocteaus collection, Paris.
Paul Vargus collection, New York, Paris.
John Re, East Hampton, New York.
Frank Messina, New York.
Private collection, Sweden.


Jean Cocteaus collection, Paris.
Paul Vargus collection, New York, Paris.
John Re, East Hampton, New York.
Frank Messina, New York.
Private collection, Sweden.

Muut tiedot

Signed Miró. Exectuted 1943. Mixed media 11 x 18,5 cm.
Provenance: Jean Cocteaus collection, Paris. Paul Vargus collection, New York, Paris. John Re, East Hampton, New York. Frank Messina, New York. Private collection, Sweden. Gift from Joan Miró to Jean Cocteau 1950. Letters/receipts will be included in the sale.
The painting will be examined by Jaques Dupin in Paris the 29th of October 2009. The buyer of the painting will complete the purchase once the expertise is performed.