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Theme auctions online
Systembolaget Wine and Spirits auction D065
Design Jewellery Online E1150
John Bauer F648
Gustavsberg 200 years E1097
Chinese Works of Art F627
Fashion March Edition E1160
Helsinki Design Sale F612
Helsinki Spring Sale F613
Live auctions
Contemporary Art & Design 662
Auction: April 15−16, 2025
Important Timepieces 663
Auction: April 15, 2025
Modern Art & Design 664
Auction: May 20−21, 2025
Important Spring Sale 665
Auction: June 11−13, 2025


Want to learn more about Anders Zorn or Josef Frank? Would you like to see final prices for your favorite artist or read about what is typical for Art Deco? Have a look at Bukipedia, our own lexicon where we share our knowledge of artists, designers, styles and much more! Here you will also find our active, upcoming and closed auctions.

Term Explanation
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. In Bukowskis opinion a genuine work by the artist.
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. Replik. (Replica.) In Bukowskis opinion a work by the artist executed after his own original painting.
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. Tillskriven. (Attributed to.) In Bukowskis opinion probably a work by the artist in whole or in part, but we can not fully guarantee this.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans ateljé. (His studio.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the studio of the artist, possibly under his supervision.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans skola eller krets. (His school or his circle.) In Bukowskis opinion a work of the period of the artist showing his influence.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans efterföljare. (Follower of.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the artist's style, contemporary or of later date.
Anders Zorn. Hans art. (In the manner of the artist.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the artist's style, but of a later date.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Efter. (After.) In Bukowskis a copy of a known work of the artist, executed by another artist.

Browse by last name

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Artists and designers on S

  1. Touko Saari (1928-2007)
  2. Eero Saarinen (1910-1961)
  3. Eliel Saarinen (1873-1950)
  4. Gustaf Sahlholm (1860-1929)
  5. Gunnel Sahlin (Born 1954)
  6. Riiko Sakkinen (Born 1976)
  7. Aly Ben Salem (1910-2001)
  8. Harald Sallberg (1895-1963)
  9. Tyko Sallinen (1879-1955)
  10. Kyllikki Salmenhaara (1915-1981)
  11. Max Salmi (1931-1995)
  12. Hugo Salmson (1843-1894)
  13. Anna-Maija Salo (Born 1939)
  14. Harald Salomon (1900-1990)
  15. Teemu Salonen (Born 1976)
  16. Axel Salto (1889-1961)
  17. Ulrik Samuelson (Born 1935)
  18. Lennart Sand (Born 1946)
  19. Daniel Sandberg (Born 1975)
  20. Johan Gustaf Sandberg (1782-1854)
  21. Ragnar Sandberg (1902-1972)
  22. Pi Sarpaneva (1933-2019)
  23. Timo Sarpaneva (1926-2006)
  24. Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978)
  25. Steve Schapiro (Born 1934)
  26. Kenny Scharf (Born 1958)
  27. Roy Schatt (1909-2002)
  28. Johan Henrik Scheffel (1690-1781)
  29. Michael Schilkin (1900-1962)
  30. Inge Schiöler (1908-1971)
  31. Elisabeth Schiøtt (1856-1938)
  32. Helene Schjerfbeck (1862-1946)
  33. Peter Schmersal (Born 1952)
  34. Helene Schmitz (Born 1960)
  35. Charles Schneider (1881-1953)
  36. Fredrik Wilhelm Scholander (1816-1881)
  37. Bernard Schottlander (1924-1999)
  38. Anshelm Schultzberg (1862-1945)
  39. Otto Schulz (1882-1970)
  40. Fritz Schulze (1838-1914)
  41. Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948)
  42. Jules Schyl (1893-1977)
  43. Fritiof Schüldt (1891-1978)
  44. Lennart Segerstråle (1892-1975)
  45. Okuhara Seiko (1837-1913)
  46. Seirafian (1939)
  47. Mark Seliger (Born 1959)
  48. Eugen Semitjov (1923-1987)
  49. Johan Tobias Sergel (1740-1814)
  50. Pascal Serre (Born 1959)
  51. Maj Sewell Costetti (1892-1975)
  52. Shanks & Bolin
  53. Harold Shapinsky (1925-2004)
  54. Tatsuzo Shimizu (1936-1921)
  55. Ito Shinsui (1898-1972)
  56. Peter Shire (Born 1947)
  57. Koho Shoda (1871-1946)
  58. Adolf Relling Sigurd Resell
  59. Jari Silomäki (Born 1975)
  60. Nordisk Silverkonst
  61. Hugo Simberg (1873-1917)
  62. Uhra-Beata Simberg-Ehrström (1914-1979)
  63. Mari Simmulson (1911-2000)
  64. Gazbia Sirry (Born 1925)
  65. Jacob Siölin (1737-1785)
  66. Axel Sjöberg (1866-1950)
  67. Eva Sjöberg (Born 1951)
  68. Linnéa Sjöberg (Born 1983)
  69. Charles Sjöholm (Born 1933)
  70. Jan-Gunnar Sjölin (Born 1939)
  71. Olle Skagerfors (1920-1997)
  72. Börje Skohg (1923-2006)
  73. Nils Nilsson Skum (1872-1951)
  74. Ingela Skytte (Born 1955)
  75. Carl Skånberg (1850-1883)
  76. Kjartan Slettemark (1932-2008)
  77. Kirsten Sloth (Born 1938)
  78. James Smetham (1821-1889)
  79. Andrzej Smoczyński (Born 1944)
  80. Gunnar Smoliansky (1933-2019)
  81. Anita Snellman (1924-2006)
  82. Kateryna Sokolova (Born 1984)
  83. Venny Soldan-Brofeldt (1863-1945)
  84. Timo Solin (Born 1947)
  85. Steven Sorman (Born 1948)
  86. Jesús Rafael Soto (1923-2005)
  87. Ettore Sottsass (1917-2007)
  88. Pierre Soulié (1927-2014)
  89. Louis Sparre (1863-1964)
  90. Daniel Spoerri (1930-2024)
  91. Dick Sprang (1915-2000)
  92. William Spratling (1900-1967)
  93. Stamuli (Founded in 2016)
  94. Rudolf Stangelberger (1870-1917)
  95. Philippe Starck (Born 1949)
  96. Sylvia Stave (1908-1994)
  97. Henryk Stazewski (1894-1988)
  98. Hans-Hermann Steffens (1911-2004)
  99. John Sten (1879-1922)
  100. Aina Stenberg-Masolle (1885-1975)
  101. Per Stenius (1922-2014)
  102. Nils Petter Stenström (1750-1790)
  103. Kaj Stenvall (Born 1951)
  104. Curt Stenvert (1920-1992)
  105. Jan Stenvinkel (1933-1989)
  106. Sam Stigsson (Born 1945)
  107. Nanny Still (1926-2009)
  108. Jette Stoltz (1923-2010)
  109. Matthias Stom (Stomer) (Ca 1600- efter 1652)
  110. Mosse Stoopendaal (1901-1948)
  111. Håkan Strand (Born 1959)
  112. Greta Strandberg (1895-1941)
  113. Robert Streit (1885-1957)
  114. August Strindberg (1849-1912)
  115. Tore Strindberg (1882-1968)
  116. Nils Strinning (1917-2006)
  117. Ardy Strüwer (1939-2023)
  118. Gunnar Erik Ström (1892-1982)
  119. Christer Strömholm (1918-2002)
  120. Poul Ströyer (1923-1996)
  121. Ebbe Stub Wittrup (Born 1973)
  122. Kai Stuht & Miles Cockfield (Born 1964)
  123. Leon Stynen (1899-1990)
  124. Ephraim Ståhl (1767-1820)
  125. Carl-Harry Stålhane (1920-1990)
  126. Joseph Magnus Stäck (1812-1868)
  127. Nakayama Sugakudo
  128. Hiroshi Sugimoto (Born 1948)
  129. Per B. Sundberg (Born 1964)
  130. Per B. Sundberg (Born 1964)
  131. Britt-Louise Sundell (1928-2011)
  132. Max Walter Svanberg (1912-1994)
  133. Lena Svedberg (1946-1972)
  134. Ernst Svedbom (1913-2004)
  135. Pelle Swedlund (1865-1947)
  136. William Sweetlove (Born 1949)
  137. Svenska Ostindiska Companiet (1731-1813)
  138. Pål Svensson (Born 1950)
  139. Roland Svensson (1910-2003)
  140. Sara Svensson (1835-1896)
  141. Olof Tomas Svonni (1927-2020)
  142. Astrid Sylwan (Born 1970)
  143. Reidar Särestöniemi (1925-1981)
  144. Sigfrid Södergren (1920-2000)
  145. Birgitte Söndergaard (Born 1957)