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Want to learn more about Anders Zorn or Josef Frank? Would you like to see final prices for your favorite artist or read about what is typical for Art Deco? Have a look at Bukipedia, our own lexicon where we share our knowledge of artists, designers, styles and much more! Here you will also find our active, upcoming and closed auctions.

Term Explanation
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. In Bukowskis opinion a genuine work by the artist.
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. Replik. (Replica.) In Bukowskis opinion a work by the artist executed after his own original painting.
Anders Zorn 1860-1920. Tillskriven. (Attributed to.) In Bukowskis opinion probably a work by the artist in whole or in part, but we can not fully guarantee this.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans ateljé. (His studio.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the studio of the artist, possibly under his supervision.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans skola eller krets. (His school or his circle.) In Bukowskis opinion a work of the period of the artist showing his influence.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Hans efterföljare. (Follower of.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the artist's style, contemporary or of later date.
Anders Zorn. Hans art. (In the manner of the artist.) In Bukowskis opinion a work executed in the artist's style, but of a later date.
Anders Zorn (1860-1920). Efter. (After.) In Bukowskis a copy of a known work of the artist, executed by another artist.

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Artists and designers on D

  1. Einar Dahl (1900-1985)
  2. Peter Dahl (1934-2019)
  3. Stefan Dakon (1904-1992)
  4. Salvador Dalí (1904-1989)
  5. Carl Dangel
  6. Stig Danielson (1936-2014)
  7. Elin Danielson-Gambogi (1861-1919)
  8. Kerstin Danielsson (1941-2015)
  9. Hugo Darnaut (1851-1937)
  10. Charles Francois Daubigny (1817-1878)
  11. Dawid (Björn Dawidsson) (Born 1949)
  12. Josefine Davidsson (Born 1952)
  13. George Dayez (1907-1991)
  14. Carl Johan De Geer (Born 1938)
  15. Sonia Delaunay (1885-1979)
  16. Patrick Demarchelier (Born 1943)
  17. Magnus Denker (Born 1965)
  18. Siri Derkert (1888-1973)
  19. Note Design Studio (Founded in 2008)
  20. o4i Design Studio (Since 2005)
  21. Phillippe Devriez (?-1935)
  22. Diamantgradering
  23. Erik Dietman (1937-2002)
  24. Jim Dine (Born 1935)
  25. Tom Dixon (Born 1959)
  26. John Dobbs (1931-2011)
  27. Edward Dwurnik (1943-2018)
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