Contemporary Art & Design presenterar Anders Krisar
Anders Krisár
Anders Krisár (f. 1973, Stockholm) är utbildad vid Konstfack i Stockholm och School of Communication Arts i London, samt till kompositör vid New York University. Han har tidigare arbetat som Art Director och började sin konstnärliga bana via fotografiet. Krisár är perfektionist och skulpturerna är välpolerade avbildningar av androgyna kroppar.
› Signerad Krisár och daterad 2011-12. Upplaga 1/3 +2 AP. Akrylfärg på polyester resin, polyurethane, MDF, oljefärg och skruvar. 109 × 39,4 × 68 cm. Utrop 350 000 – 400 000 SEK.
I en utställningstext från Christan Larsen Gallery, kan man läsa följande om Krisárs konstnärskap:
"The pursuit of impossible perfection and purity marks Anders Krisár’s entire artistic oeuvre. In an early interview, in connection with the publishing of his award-winning photographic book Chords No. 1-17 , Krisár expresses: I want to achieve absolute purity, to depict a world without people and thoughts. Since then, Krisár has included people in his artistic universe, but he chose to put them in a form as pure as was physically possible.
However, Krisár’s stripped, de-sexed and mute sculptural figures reveal something about a human emotional state that is far from "clean". Krisárs sculptures with child’s torsos with deep imprints of an adult hand, or bodies split in two, holding hands with the other half - are in fact obsessively polished ”Gordian knots" of hurting, longing, splitting, and yearning to reunite. According to neurobiology and modern psychology, the pursuit of absolute purity and perfection is the brain's way of compensating for the inner emotional turmoil, and Krisár’s art seems to be a physical manifestation of this contradiction."