Olof Rudbeck:
Atland eller Manheim dedan Japhetz afkomne, de förnämste keyserlige och kungelige slechter ut till hela werlden, henne att styra utgångne äro. Vol. 1 (only, of 4).
Uppsala, Henrik Curio, 1679. Folio (31,2 x 20 cms.) [8] + 892 pp. (676/7 omitted, 817/8 repeated in pagination) + engraved frontispiece. As often without the leaf of corrections. A few woodcuts in text.
Contemporary vellum, worn and soiled, enleaves somewhat creased and loose, frontispiece excised and loosely laid in, leaves C1, 3L3, 4F1 with old marginal repairs (text unaffected), last leaf laid down still showing the woodcut on reverse.
Collijn col. 784. Variant B with year of publication corrected from 1675 to 1679.