Ei yhteyttä palvelimeen

Tuija Lindström

(Suomi, 1950-2017)
15 000 - 20 000 SEK
1 350 - 1 800 EUR
1 430 - 1 900 USD
15 000 SEK
Kuuluu jälleenmyyntikorvauksen piiriin

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Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Suomen : Kuvasto
Taiteen jälleenmyyntikorvaus Ruotsissa: BUS

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Lisätietoja ja kuntoraportit
Karin Aringer
Karin Aringer
Asiantuntija – nykytaide ja valokuva
+46 (0)702 63 70 57
Tuija Lindström
(Suomi, 1950-2017)

"The Skirt", 1982-83

Signed Tuija Lindström and dated 1982 on verso. Vintage. Gelatin silver print, image 28.5 x 28.5 cm. Sheet 39.6 x 30 cm.

Alkuperä - Provenienssi

Bukowski Auktioner, Contemporary & Design 561, 18 May 2011.
Acquired from the above by the current owner.


Tuija Lindström and Johan Ehrenberg, "Tuija Lindström", 1989, illustrated on fullpage.
Hasselblad Center, "A Dream If Ever There Was One, Tuija Lindström", exhibition catalogue, 2012, illustrated.

Muut tiedot

Tuija Lindström has been of great importance for Swedish photography – as an artist as well as a professor. She has been a source of inspiration and a mentor for two generations of Swedish artists and photographers. This specific photograph was taken
during Lindströms education at Konstfack (1981-84), during which time she experiments with photographic techniques and expressions.
One of her sources of inspiration those years was surrealist art and literature. The softness and the painterly style in the photograph is reminiscent of Julia Margret Cameron’s work from the 19th century.
Lindström questions the standards of society, gender roles and the general presentation of the female body. She opposes the male gaze and is not interested in producing new images of women as sexualized objects but prefers to present her models in an androgynous way.