OTTO G CARLSUND, teckning, signerad.
Mansporträtt. Signerad "OTTO G.", med text "Från D(?)ull" skrivet på arket. Tusch på silkepapper. Mått 22,5x36 cm.
Hårdare slitage på arket. Vikskador och större revor. Missfärgningar.
Ur direktör Dani Liebenfeld samling, Norrköping.
Otto G Carlsund was a Swedish painter, theorist and critic. Whilst in Paris in 1924, he formed a friendship with Fernand Léger, Ozenfant and Piet Mondrian and became the representative of Swedish synthetic cubism, purism, and neoplasticism. It was between the years of 1932 – 45 when Carlsund was the most active as a critic, but rediscovered his passion for nonfigurative painting in his last years. His paintings were often intended as preliminary studies for wall paintings. In 1929, he co-founded the group Art Concret in Paris with van Doesburg and Hélion, publishing its manifesto.
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