BRUNO LILJEFORS, blyerts på papper.
Studier av havsörn i flykt och havsörnsvinge (Haliaeetus albicilla). Intygad av Dr. Karl Asplund (1890-1978) ”Originalteckning av Bruno Liljefors intygas Stockholm 17.2-76”, på baksidan. Ca 42 x 54.
Ej examinerad ur ram. Veck. Lagningar.
Liljefors mest kända målningar med havsörnar som huvudmotiv är "Havsörnar och lom", från 1897 (Nationalmuseum) och "Havsörn och hare", från 1904 (Thielska galleriet, Stockholm).
Dr. Karl Asplund, Chef för AB Bukowskis Konsthandel mellan 1929-1953, var god vän med Liljefors och de jagade ofta tillsammans. Asplund stod modell för Liljefors målning "På rävpass", från 1931, vilken Liljefors baserade på fotografier av Asplund tagna under en jakt (M. Hill. Bruno Liljefors. The Peerles Eye, 1987, s. 150, avbildande fotografierna). En annan teckning av en havsörn finns i Nationalmuseum (NMH 339/1941; 87 x 148 mm.; op. cit., s, 31, illustrerad).
Bruno Liljefors is the Swedish artist best known for his nature and animal motifs, especially in dramatic situations. Liljefors started with studies at the Academy of Arts in 1879, and continued 1882 in Düsseldorf where the studies revolved around animal painting. The journey then continued to Venice, Rome, Naples, Paris and Grez. Once back in Sweden, he began to draw and paint animals, especially cats and small birds, from the beginning in intimate interaction with nature. He then moved on to broader depictions of wild animals and nature, of seascapes with seabirds and of dramatic scenes of battles between birds. Liljefors is known as our country's foremost animal painter with a large production. Liljefors depicted, in contrast to the "idyllic" animal painting, the animals everyday life with a focus on movement, anatomy and their adaptation to the landscape. This is where the greatness of his painting lies, in the ability to show the animals in their proper environment. He has achieved this by hunting and observing. Well-known works of art are the paintings "Rävfamilj" (1886) and "Havsörnar" (1897), as well as the sculpture "Lek" (1930) at Stockholm Stadium. Liljefors is mainly represented at the National Museum, Waldemarsudde and the Thielska gallery in Stockholm.
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