CARL LARSSON, akvarellerad tuschteckning, sign. Karin och Carl Larsson, Sundborn, 1897.
Hyllningsadress till Olga och Folke med hyllning underskriven av Karin och Carl Larsson, Sundborn 1897.
45 x 31 cm
Med text: OLGA, att du skulle FOLKE Finna!
FOLKE, att du skulle HA´NA!
- "Vet pappa! Farbror Folke och tant Olga dom bara sitter och kyssas i trädgården. Och dom helsar inte på någon - dom helsar inte pa mej alls, vet Pappa!"
- "Det skall du sjelf ha dig en kyss få Lisbeth lilla, ty det var en glädjenyhet."
/ Och då kysste vi varann i glädje också, ty Karin tycker att Olga är så rar en tös, och jag tycker att Folke är en bra karl."
Något ojämnt blad. Gulnat. Veck i ett av hörnen. Kanterna á tergo tejprester i kanterna.
Upptagen i Ulwa Neergaards stora bok om Carl Larsson: ”Carl Larsson – signerat med pensel och penna”, Norstedts 1999. Bild finns på sid 212 samt upptagen i katalogdelen som nr: 769
Á tergo text:
Grosshandlare Folke Ericsson och dess blifvande dygdiga make Olga född Breitholz.
Carl Larsson is considered one of the greatest Swedish artists of all time. He was born in Gamla Stan in Stockholm and studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in the years 1866-76. After his studies in Stockholm, he traveled to France and settled in Grèz-sur-Loing. There he mainly painted garden motifs. In France, he met his future wife Karin Bergöö, who was also an artist and came to mean a lot for his artistry. Already during his student years, he made a living as a photo retoucher and cartoonist in the press. It was also during his studies that Larsson got to know Anders Zorn and Bruno Liljefors, together the three are usually called the ABC artists. At the end of the 1880s, Carl and Karin were given "Lilla Hyttnäs" in Sundborn outside Falun by Karin's father, and this is where Larsson's most famous watercolors depicting his family were created. The motifs often depict sunny landscapes with children, crayfish fishing, meals in the green and interior scenes. Larsson is represented, among other, in the National Museum, where "Gustav Vasas intåg i Stockholm" and "Midvinterblot" fills the stairwell. Represented mainly at the National Museum in Stockholm and at the Gothenburg Art Museum.
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