Lennart Nilsson, "Rymdfararen", 1965.
From "A Child Is Born". Signed Lennart Nilsson and dated 2003. Cibachrome, image 69 x 69 cm.
The photo is framed without glass. On the photo's glossy surface, there are minor scratches, fingerprints, and small marks from the bubble wrap it was wrapped in. In the upper part of the image, there are two parallel horizontal pressure marks.
Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger, "Ett barn blir till", 1995, illustrated on full-page p. 106.
The Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson (1922 - 2017) is world-renowned. Lennart Nilsson's experiments with electron microscopes and endoscopic cameras, along with other techniques, allowed him to create high-resolution images of the development of human life. The project began in 1953 and took Nilsson 12 years to complete.
Lennart Nilsson's "A Child Is Born" marked a significant breakthrough in medical photography. In 1965, the American magazine LIFE published his 16-page feature "The Drama of Life Before Birth," which became the magazine's fastest-selling issue alongside "The Assassination of John F. Kennedy" (1963) and "The Moon Landing" (1969).
His book "A Child Is Born" was first published in 1965 and has sold over 30 million copies, published in 5 editions and translated into around 20 languages. That same year, he was awarded the American Society of Magazine Photographers' "Photographer of the Year Award." The images have been exhibited worldwide and were notably displayed at Abecita Pop Art & Photo in Borås in the spring of 2016.