Leonardus Brunus Aretinus:
Historiae Florentini populi.
Florence, Bartolommeo di Libri, 5 June 1492. Folio. (31 x 21 cm). 220 of [222] leaves, lacking first two leaves (a1-2). In Italian.
Modern vellum backed boards (boards covered with what appears to be a page from a printed antiphonal). Binding lightly worn, 3 leaves at front and 4 leaves at end silked, first few leaves stiffly reinforced in gutter, final few leaves with marginal repairs; soiled and stained throughout, a few notes in an early hand.
ISTC ib01248000. GW 5613.
Brunus was a Florentine chancellor, philosopher, humanist, historian and an Italian translator active in the first half of the Quattrocento. His history of the Florentines earned him Florentine citizenship and tax exemption for life. His work is often found bound with Poggio's history of the Florentines, not present here.
See description.