The artworks in this database are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the rights holders. The artworks are reproduced in this database with a license from Bildupphovsrätt.
Figure by the window
Signed V.B. P. and dated -30. Canvas 59 x 46.5 cm. Probably executed during the artist's stay in Bauhaus, Germany.
Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, 1932.
(ed) Stig Brögger, Troels Andersen, Jörgen Broch, "V. Bjerke Petersen - En retrospektiv udstilling", exhibition catalog, Silkeborgs Kunstmuseum/Sophienholm/Fyns Kunstmuseum/Esbjergs Kunstforening, 1986, reproduced page 14.
Marked A.B. N. 8 on verso.
Marked by stamped on the frame Carl Skovgaard, Hojbovaenge 7, Heddinge.
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