The artworks in this database are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the rights holders. The artworks are reproduced in this database with a license from Bildupphovsrätt.
"The Ghost Sonata". Signed Anna Bergman and dated 1999. Gouache 65 x 50 cm.
"After the opening of The Ghost Sonata, Ingmar picked out his favourites
among the costume design sketches. The rest of the sketches were exhibited
and sold at Gallery Överkikaren in Stockholm in 2001. A few of them are at
The Theatre Museum of Sweden in Gäddviken. These ten sketches that Ingmar
picked out went to his various Fårö houses. In 2008, they were included in
an exhibition during the Bergman Week at Fårö." Anna Bergman, June 2009.
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