Sign. -12. Blyertspenna 20x20 cm.
Uusi Nykyisyys / New Present. XX Mänttä Art Festival 2015.
Derrida´s Bestiary. Cultural Centre Caisa. Helsinki 2014.
Los Otros. Centro Cultural Casa Purcell. Saltillo, Mexico 2014.
Series of 27 drawings made in collaboration with Ph.D. Federico Rodríguez for the illustration of his book:
Cantos Cabríos. Jacques Derrida, un Bestiario Filosófico. (Goat Song. Jacques Derrida, a Philosophic Bestiary.)
The book won the National Essay Prize, Chile 2013 and has been published by Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE). Santiago de Chile, 2015.