Gustaf Söderberg:
Kongl. lust slotten i Swerige. [And:] Utsigter af Stockholm tecknade och litografierade.
Stockholm, utgifne af Norman & Engström, tryckte hos Gjöthström & Magnusson, 1829-30. Oblong folio. (38,5 x 29 cms.) Opens with 2 lithographed titles, followed by 8 lithographed plates (Stockholm views) + 9 lithographed plates (Royal pleasure palaces). In addition 4 lithographed plates, slightly smaller in format, with views of Skeppsholmen, Kastellholmen, Drottningholm and Ulriksdal.
Contemporary boards with lithographed wrapper applied to cover, title: ”Svenska landskap tecknade och litografierade af G. Söderberg”. Somewhat worn but fine, with just the occasional insignificant stain or mended marginal tear. Inscription on front cover: ”G. Nordenfeldt”.
Björck & Börjesson katalog 300 (1935), no 318.
From a collector's library.