STAFFAN HALLSTRÖM, oil on canvas, signed
"Kvinna mot röd bakgrund". 77 x 57,5 cm.
Minor stains
”Jag försöker hitta ett ord som kunde beskriva färgen hos Staffan Hallström. Skulle man kunna säga att den är plasmatisk? I latinsk-svensk ordbok anges två betydelser av ordet ”plasma” - som ursprungligen är grekiskt: ”ett slags modulation av rösten” och ”fantasiskapelse”.
I Staffan Hallströms måleri är färgens tilltal alltid modulerat. Det frambringar en atmosfär, en stämning, och i detta stämningsrum framträder fantasiskapelser, element till en berättelse. Hallström är ovanlig inom svensk konst genom att han utvecklade en egen mytologi, personliga symbolgestalter som han ständigt återvände till, vidareutvecklade och sammanställde på nya sätt.
Den vackra utställning som nu visas i Olle Nymans ateljé i Saltsjö-Duvnäs ger en god inblick i Staffan Hallströms konstnärskap. Man kan bara hoppas att den i en snar framtid får en förlängning i en mer fullständig presentation av detta livsverk. Det skulle säkert för många bli en uppenbarelse, när det nu gått ett kvartssekel sedan den postuma summeringen på Konstakademien 1978.”
Ur recension i Svenska Dagbladet, 23 aug 2003
Stephan Hallström supported his painting style with a strong expressive foundation. His paintings arose partly through its materials, but also through his inner psyche. The motifs took shape slowly and rather painstakingly. He revised, sketched anew, and painted over until he finally found a composition and color scheme that had the balance and expression he was seeking. Hallström drew inspiration from Delacroix, Rubens, Goya, and Hill's disease drawings. There is also a trace of Giacometti's drawing of figures and the depiction of intense emotional states.
In Hallströms art the sketching process is very important and his paintings radiate as much line work as painterly poetry. For the artist, revisions were crucial to the final result, and the fact that the creative process is allowed to remain in the finished work makes his paintings still feel very present.
The first version of "Ingens hundar" came in 1953. The artist personifies the dogs which have grouped themselves to protect each other from the greater world. Tall and alert, the dogs raise their gaze to their surroundings and they sniff as much danger as fresh morning air. In this tension of opposites, we find the synthesis of Hallström's painting.
Stig Johansson writes in his book about Staffan Hallström "The ideas and emotional states that drove the creation of "Ingens hundar" made these paintings some of the most original in Swedish art. His motifs and visual concepts remain so unique that they can hardly be compared to anything else."
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