Column shaped on square bases. Decorated with relief and underglaze blue. Marked "Royal Copenhagen Denmark" and with blue painter's signatures "xx". Height 20 cm.
From the collection of Börje Johansson, a Swedish private collector, who focused on the most rare pieces from the famous Musselmalet service from Royal Copenhagen. He collected 1 000 objects for 20 years and now Bukowskis are entrusted to sell over 700 items in three auctions. The first part is offered online in November 2024, eighteen of the most spectacular pieces are to be sold at the Important Winter Sale 661, the last part of the collection will be offered in March 2025. The main focus in Börje Johanssons collection has been individual interesting pieces and not the full services. This is a collection comprising some of the earliest and most desirable Musselmalet items, but also later interesting collectibles, each piece made with the recognized and loved craftmanship of Royal Copenhagen, Den Kongelige Porcelainsfabrik.