Carl von Linné:
Philosophia botanica. Vindobonæ (Wien), Trattner, 1770. 8vo. 20 x 12 cms. [4] + 364 pp. + 9 engraved plates and full-page woodcut illustrations on pages 307 & 309 (= pls. ”10-11”). Without portrait. Very worn half calf, label crudely deleted from spine, later marbled paper on covers, two modern bookplates.
Opera quae extant, omnia, in 6 tomos tributa. Colonia Agrippina /Köln), Gymnicus, 1593. 8vo. 19 x 12 cms. This copy contains parts 1-4 of 6: [16] + 128 + 320 + 232 + 120 pp. Worn and soiled contemporary limp vellum, title cut with paper loss, old annotations and underlinings, crowned monogram stamp to title, ownrship repeated thrice: ”J H de Potevils”, bookplate: Idolf Rosengren.
Emanuel Swedenborg:
Vera Christiana religio. Amsterdam 1771. 4to. 26 x 20,5 cms. 542 sid. Old full calf, worn, spine and endleaves renewed, waterstain to gutter of final leaf. Ownership inscriptions: Chr. Aug. Falk, B. Holmström (1958).