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Two archaic bronze daggers, Shou or Han dynasty.

8 000 - 10 000 SEK
742 - 928 EUR
786 - 982 USD
Hammer price
Purchasing info
For condition report contact specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Senior specialist Asian Ceramics and Works of Art, European Ceramics and Glass
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
Two archaic bronze daggers, Shou or Han dynasty.

Length 21.5-24 cm.



From the Collection of Ivan Traugott. (1871-1952). Thence by descent within the family. Traugott was a Swedish businessman and important art collector. An early member of the China club, investor in the Karlbeck consortium and good friend and sponsor of Johan Gunnar Andersson in the early 20th century. A large part of his collections can be seen today at Nationalmuseum and East Asian Museum in Stockholm.

Traugott label T 1840A.
Traugott labe T 1840B.

Listed in Traugotts on referenslist as 'Daggers/Hillebard, brons. Malachite green tarnish. A 24 cm. B 21 1/2 cm. Chou or Han Dynasty.

Purchased from the Collection of Sammlung Dr. Ernst Marquardsen


Titel: Listed in the Ostasiatische Sammlung aus dem Nachlass Hofrat Dr. Ernst Marquardsen Bad Kissingen und anderer Besitz. Titelzusatz:chinesische Frühkeramik und Porzellane, Jade, Bronzen, Plastiken in Holz un Stein, Exotika, Teppiche; Versteigerung Mittwoch, den 13. Juni 1928
Mitwirkende:Marquardsen, Ernst [Sammler] Oppenheim, Alfred [Bearb.].