No. | Item | Hammer price |
789 | Lotte Laserstein, Traute writing. | 20 000 SEK |
790 | Lotte Laserstein, Standing model in a dress. | 14 000 SEK |
791 | Lotte Laserstein, Standing model in a dress. | 14 000 SEK |
792 | Lotte Laserstein, Landscape with a lake. | 20 000 SEK |
793 | Lotte Laserstein, Sleeping baby. | 24 000 SEK |
794 | Lotte Laserstein, Portrait of Dr Lindentahl. | 15 000 SEK |
795 | Lotte Laserstein, Oxford Canal. | 11 000 SEK |
796 | Lotte Laserstein, Young people. | 14 000 SEK |
797 | Lotte Laserstein, Petra with doll - the artist's godchild. | 15 000 SEK |
798 | Lotte Laserstein, Portraits of two young boys. | 12 000 SEK |
799 | Lotte Laserstein, Four studies of a boy. | 15 000 SEK |
800 | Lotte Laserstein, Portrait of a seated child. | 20 000 SEK |
801 | Ernst Josephson, Angel. | 25 000 SEK |
802 | Ernst Josephson, Figure Scene. | 18 000 SEK |
803 | Ernst Josephson, "Dramatisk scen". | 8 000 SEK |
804 | Ivan Aguéli, Spanish Landscape. | 620 000 SEK |
805 | Gerda Tirén, Girl Feeding Chickens. | Unsold |
806 | Axel Petersson Döderhultarn, 'Beväringsmönstring' (The Enrollment Act) (5). | Unsold |
807 | Severin Nilson, Evening Glow, Spring Landscape with Birches by a Stream. | Unsold |
808 | Johan Krouthén, Sunset at the Cottage. | 36 000 SEK |
809 | Gerda Roosval-Kallstenius, At the spinning wheel. | Unsold |
810 | Severin Nilson, Girl in Greenery. | Unsold |
811 | Jacob Philipp Hackert, Card players outside an inn. | 420 000 SEK |
812 | Jakob de Wit, Allegorical figure scene. | 60 000 SEK |
813 | Girolamo da Ponte (Bassano) Circle of, Presentation in the Temple. | Unsold |
814 | William Adolphe Bouguereau Attributed to, Cupid and Psyche. | 26 000 SEK |
815 | Francesco Francanzano Attributed to, Saint Paul. | 32 000 SEK |
816 | Pierre Brébiette Follower of, Memento Mori. | 12 000 SEK |
817 | Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto Circle of, Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the World). | 42 000 SEK |
818 | Gaspar van Wittel (Vanvitelli) Circle of, Excavations at the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine, Rome. | 40 000 SEK |
819 | Quiringh Gerritsz. van Brekelenkam Attributed to, Kitchen interior. | Unsold |
820 | Ferdinand Friedrich Weiss, Marine with sailing ship off the coast. | Unsold |
821 | William Daniell, attributed to, View with figures, likely towards the Hooghley River and the Bay of Bengal. | 80 000 SEK |
822 | Giovanni Paolo Pannini Circle of, Figures at a Classical Temple. | Unsold |
823 | Claude Joseph Vernet After, Mountain landscape with figures by the water. | Unsold |
824 | Charles Leopold Grevenbroeck Attributed to, Charles of Bourbon leaving Naples for Spain in 1759. | 120 000 SEK |
825 | Abraham Willaerts Attributed to, Coastal Landscape with numerous Ships and Figures on the Shore. | Unsold |
826 | Bruno Liljefors, Twilight landscape with stretching swans. | 400 000 SEK |
827 | Gustaf Fjaestad, Blooming spring trees. | 100 000 SEK |
828 | Per Ekström, Landscape with Reading Lady. | 60 000 SEK |
829 | Ida Gisiko-Spärck, View from the coast at Skotterup in Denmark. | Unsold |
830 | August Hagborg, Women Gathering Mussels on the Beach. | 30 000 SEK |
831 | Gustaf Cederström, Portrait depicting General Bror Cederström (1824-1893). | 330 000 SEK |
832 | Pelle Swedlund, 'Tiggaren från Concarneau'. | 20 000 SEK |
833 | Anders Zorn, "Delsbostintan". | 1 200 000 SEK |
834 | Bruno Liljefors, Woodcock. | 200 000 SEK |
835 | Helmer Osslund, Autumn Landscape in the Wind. | 160 000 SEK |
836 | Johan Krouthén, Summer landscape. | 55 000 SEK |
837 | Johan Krouthén, On the cliffs. | 50 000 SEK |
838 | Johan Krouthén, Farm scene with chickens. | 50 000 SEK |
839 | Nikolai Alexandrovich Klodt, Summer landscape with lake. | 115 000 SEK |
840 | Stepan Feodorovich Kolesnikov, Old man with a cane. | 15 000 SEK |
841 | Hans Andersen Brendekilde, Summer Landscape. | 19 000 SEK |
842 | Konstantin Fedorovic Yuon, River scene. | 2 700 000 SEK |
843 | Carl Kjellin, Father and Son on the Bog. | 14 000 SEK |
844 | Charlotte Wahlström, Dandelions. | 34 000 SEK |
845 | Olof Sager-Nelson, Coastal View. | 46 000 SEK |
846 | Johan Krouthén, Summer Landscape. | 42 000 SEK |
847 | Gunnar Åberg, "Artisten Hedberg" (The artist Ecke Hedberg 1868-1959). | 16 000 SEK |
848 | August Malmström, "Vill frun köpa?". | Unsold |
849 | Jean Le Moal, "Les Andes". | Unsold |
850 | Ola Billgren, "Romantiskt landskap (blått)". | 160 000 SEK |
851 | Peter Frie, Untitled. | 85 000 SEK |
852 | Terry O'Neill, "Faye Dunaway, Hollywood, 1977". | 150 000 SEK |
853 | Christer Strömholm, "Paris, 1962". | 80 000 SEK |
853A | Andy Warhol, Andy Warhol, "Leonardo da Vinci, The annunciation", ur: "Details of renaissance paintings". | 250 000 SEK |
854 | Francis Newton Souza, Portrait of a man. | 13 250 000 SEK |
855 | Jan Frans van Bredael Circle of, Battle between Christians and Turks. | Unsold |
856 | Jan Olis Attributed to, Smoking Company. | 16 000 SEK |
857 | Johann Melchior Roos, Landscape with bears/leopards, a pair. | 100 000 SEK |
858 | Louis Belanger Attributed to, "Vue de la Grand Cascade de Trollhetta". | 10 000 SEK |
859 | Louis Belanger, "Veu du pont de Grezin sur de Rhone". | 20 000 SEK |
860 | Johan Adam von Gertten (Gerdten), "Vue du Lac Laxen en Westrogothå". | Unsold |
861 | Johan Tobias Sergel, Study of a Man. | 6 000 SEK |
862 | Johan Tobias Sergel, Man's Head. | 6 000 SEK |
863 | Carl August Ehrensvärd, Kneeling Man (Illustration from a letter). | 4 000 SEK |
864 | Carl August Ehrensvärd, Conversing Men. | 6 000 SEK |
866 | Albrecht Dürer, "The Adoration of the Lamb", from The Apocalypse of Saint John. | 36 000 SEK |
866A | Pehr (Pierre) Eberhard Cogell, Gentleman at a Gustavian bureau and notes & lady at a Gustavian writing desk. | Unsold |
866B | Olof Södermark, "Count Magnus Brahe" (1790-1844). | 46 000 SEK |
866C | Louis Masreliez, Antique Figural Scene. | 7 000 SEK |
866D | Ulrica Fredrica Pasch, "Carl Ferdinand Lorentz Giers" (1755-1798). | 18 000 SEK |
866E | Johan Stålbom, "Christian Joachim Klingspor" (1714-1778) & his spouse "Helena Christina Klingspor" (née De Besche) (1730-1765). | 40 000 SEK |
868 | Niclas Lafrensen d.ä. Attributed to, Portrait of a nobleman in armour. | 5 000 SEK |
869 | Noblewoman with a diamond-studded Lady-in-waiting monogram. | 3 500 SEK |
873 | Peter Ilsted, Interior with Woman by the Window. | 600 000 SEK |
874 | Carl Holsoe, Evening Interior. | 50 000 SEK |
875 | Hans Andersen Brendekilde, View from Naestved. | Unsold |
877 | Janus La Cour, Coastal Landscape. | 19 000 SEK |
879 | Frits Thaulow, House by the water. | 40 000 SEK |
880 | Carl Larsson, Martina and the Food Basket (studie till "Frukost i det gröna"). | 2 000 000 SEK |
881 | Hilma af Klint, Landscape with Swans and Flowers. | 140 000 SEK |
882 | Julia Beck, Motiv från Carolles, Frankrike. | Unsold |
883 | Gustaf Fjaestad, Ski Tracks in the Afternoon Sun. | 420 000 SEK |
884 | Richard Bergh, Sketch for a Portrait of Gustaf Fröding. | 65 000 SEK |
885 | Hilma af Klint, Portrait of Viktor Almquist. | Unsold |
886 | Ludwig Meidner, Portrait of a Man. | 28 000 SEK |
887 | Owe Zerge, Boy in Profile. | 8 000 SEK |
888 | Ernst Josephson, Figures in a dramatic scene. | Unsold |
889 | Carl Fredrik Hill, Landscape with a lone tree. | 46 000 SEK |