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A Collectors Library, part 12. A group of books and pamflets on China (29 books/pamflets)

8 000 - 10 000 SEK
760 - 950 EUR
798 - 998 USD
Hammer price
Purchasing info
For condition report contact specialist
Cecilia Nordström
Cecilia Nordström
Senior specialist Asian Ceramics and Works of Art, European Ceramics and Glass
+46 (0)739 40 08 02
A Collectors Library, part 12. A group of books and pamflets on China (29 books/pamflets)

Comprising; Emperor, Scholar, Artisan, Monk, The Creative Personality in Chinese Works of Art, by Sidney L Moss, 1984. Chinese Enamel Ware, its Hitory Authentication and Conservatin, by Liu Liang - Yu. Life of the Emperors and Empresses in the Forbidden City, Beijing, 1983. Tao, the eastern philosophy of time and change, by Philip Rawson and Laslo Legeza, Holland 1973. Chinese Mythology, Anthony Christie, Verona 1968. Chinese Cultural Art Treasures, National Palace Museum, Illutrated Handbook. 1981. Rendevous with nature. Exhibition Catalogue of Imperial Court in Forbidden City, Qing dynasty. 1985. Routes de la Soie, Le grand voyage des objects d'art, Cecile Beurdeley, Suisse 1985. China, the land and its people, early photographs by John Thomson, Die Kunst Ostasiens, Berlin 1921. Dialog with nature, exhibition catlaogue. The Illustrated Regulations for Cermeonial Paraphernaila of the Ching Dynasty, Margaret Medley. The Face of China, as seen by photographers & travelers 1860-1912, L Carrington Goodrich and Nigel Cameron. The presence of the Dragon Throne, John E Vollmer, Toronto. L'art du the en Chine, Collections Baur, Musee des arts d'extreme-orient, bulletin, 2007. Pamflet, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, Illustrated guide to the collection. Pamflet from the Entografic museum. Bookelt from the Muesum of Far Eastern Antiquites, Stockholm. Pamflet from the Mount Trust Collection of Chinese Art. Te som konst, Östasiatiska Museet, Mette Siggstedt. La Chine Archaique, Collection Baur, 1987. Chinese Bronzes, the Natanael Wessen Collection, Bernhard Karlgren, Jan Wirgin, Kunstschätze aus China, Helmut Brinker und Roger Goepper, Köln 1982. Porcelain of the National Palace Museum. Chinese Glas, Museum fur kunsthandwerk Frankfurt am Main. Guide to the Chinese Ceramics in the department of eastern art Ashmolean Museum, by Mary Tregear. Chinese Art, Finlay MacKenzie, London. The Minor Arts of China. Vol I-II. Spink & Son Ltd.

Sold as is.


From the Collection of Ann Kreuger (l1926-2022).

Ann Kreuger is well known in the circles of snuff bottles collectors, dealers and auction houses. She was an active member in the Snuff bottle society, researched, collected, lectured, and wrote numerous articles in the subject. Her deep interest in Chinese culture, language, tradition, and history led her to build a very rich library on the subject. A large part of her collection of snuff bottles was sold at Sotheby’s, see the single owner sale ‘The Guo’an Collection of fine Chinese snuff bottles, Hong Kong, Monday 30 October 2000, from where they found their way into other prestigious collections.