Pear shaped with a flared rim, decorated in iron red with a fierce three clawed dragon amidst cloud formations. Height 23.5 cm.
Firingspots, fritts.
Correct dating on the webb site since the catalogue was released. Printed catalogue has the wrong date.
From the Collection of Art Director Ivar Björnberg (1934-2021). Growing up at Östermalm, Stockholm Ivar visited gallery viewings, auction viewings and antique shops with his parents and alone. It was during his visits to the antique dealers of Stockholm he became friends with the dealer Victoria Lindström, Grev Turegatan 28, Stockholm (she later moved her gallery to Riddargatan). He started to work extra at the gallery and had her as a mentor when starting his own collection. The collection is a academic one and it shows Mr Björnbergs taste and great passion for the aesthetics of Chinese Works of Art.