A polychrome forest scene with lion hunting with horsemen on horses. In the background houses. A border with fruits and flowers. Lined.
The border and a little of the ground is missing. Some wear, slightly dirty, stains, restorations and repairs. The lining has damages.
Compare with Böttiger, John: Tapisseries à figures des XVIe et XVIIe siècles appartenant à des collections privées de la Suède, Stockholm 1928, the tapestry suite Scènes de Chasse with four tapestries, the picture volume No. 30 Chasse au Cerf, No. 31 Chasse au Lion, No. 32 Chasse au Sanglier, No. 33 Chasse au Loup; the text volume No. 31, 32, 33 and 34. Böttiger compares the four tapestries with hunting scenes by David Vinckebooms, engraved in 1612 by P. van Serwouter.