The artworks in this database are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the rights holders. The artworks are reproduced in this database with a license from Bildupphovsrätt.
"Sunset", 2002
Signed Helena Blomqvist and numbered 5/5 on verso. Lith print, image 38 x 48 cm.
Galleri Knäpper+Baumgarten, Stockholm.
Fotografiska, Stockholm, ”Stories from Another World”, 20 april - 3 juni 2012.
Dalarnas Museum, Falun, "Stora tider – milda makter", 31 januari -14 mars 2004.
Uppsala konstmuseum, "Tre stipendiater", 30 November 2002 – 26 January 2003.
Helena Blomqvist and Angelika Knäpper Gallery, "Helena Blomqvist", 2012, illustrated on fullpage.
Ur Blomqvists första serie "First Women on the Moon".
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