His examination work for his journeyman's certificate. Palisander, inlays of various woods and burr wood, the interior with drawers and shelves, the base with its square legs has finely carved ornaments at the tops. Height 167,5 cm depth 52 cm, width 103 cm. Key included.
Key with brass. Keys included.
The cabinet was the first price at the Stockholm Crafts lottery in 1929, Dec 3rd.
Ed. Otto Schulz, Tidskriften Boet 1930, the model illustrated p. 8.
Prospective purchasers are advised that several countries prohibit the importation of property containing materials from endangered species, including but not limited to coral, ivory, tortoiseshell and palisander.
Accordingly, prospective purchasers should familiarize themselves with relevant customs regulations prior to
bidding if they intend to import this lot into another country.