"Dags visor" (The songs of Dag)
Illustrations (5). Signed EB. Watercolour. 22 x 23.5; 21.5 x 11; 20.5 x 14.5; 13.5 x 17 and 11 x 17 cm.
Jenna Oterdahl, "Dags visor och teckningar av Elsa Beskow. Musik av Alice Tegnér", 1911, cover and pages 12, 14, 27 and 29.
The songs are: "Körsbär" ("Cherries") [p 14], "Lilla syster" ("Baby sister") [p 12], "Äta middag" ("Eating Supper") [p 29] and "Vinden" ("The wind") [p 27]. The boy lying on the grass is the cover illustration.