Nature morte
Signerad G Braque. Executed c. 1930. Pastel on paper laid down on board 23 x 47 cm.
Sothebys, London June 25 1997, lot no 214.
Private collection, Stockholm, Sweden (purchased at the auction above).
Jean Leymarie, "Georges Braque", 1988, compare no 91.
Författaren Jean Leymarie skriver 1988 i sin bok, "Georges Braque", att konstnären själv ansåg att hans pasteller var helt färdiga konstverk, inte studier inför en större olja. Han skriver;
"Like the old masters, and apart from a few rare exceptions - slowly elaborated works in pastel and red chalk which he considered painting and from which he was able to part.....".
Leymarie prisar Braques sällsynta pasteller; "Works with very pure contours, in which every trace of the hand's mastery disappears to let the poetry of the objects, and a radiant light, shine forth. A few examples from his different periods show Braque's perfection as a draftsman"
Den aktuella pastellen "Nature morte" är ett utmärkt exempel på beskrivningen av Braques pasteller från 1930-talet. En helt slutförd komposition med en vacker balans mellan de avbildade objekten, en sval färgsättning och ett sirligt ljus som träder fram ur de täta pastellfärgerna.
Georges Braque was a French artist and sculptor and is seen as a leading individual in modernism. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts i Le Havre. In the beginning of his career Braque painted in an impressionistic style and was connected to fauvism alongside other artists such as Henri Matisse, Emile-Othon Friesz and André Derain. In 1908 began Braque’s interest in geometric forms and perspectives, kickstarting a close relationship with Pablo Picasso. Together they developed a cubist style with monochromatic colours and multifaceted, complex patterns. The focus of his art was often centred on musical instruments and still life’s.
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