The artworks in this database are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the rights holders. The artworks are reproduced in this database with a license from Bildupphovsrätt.
"Duck & Cover (standing light blue)"
Executed in 2000. Unique. Object, mixed media with aluminum, polyester, fabric height 116 cm.
Galleri Lars Bohman, Stockholm.
Robert Mann Gallery, New York, 2000.
Färgfabriken, Stockholm, 2002.
Lunds Konsthall, "Maria Miesenberger, Uncut", 2 mars - 7 april 2002.
Catalogue, "Mottagarna av det Ljunggrenska Konstnärspriset och Formgivarpriset 2002", reproduced spread.
Irene Berggren and Cecilia Nelson, "Maria Miesenberger, Uncut", Lunds Konsthall/Galleri Lars Bohman, 2002, reproduced spread page 34-35.
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