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A Henry Pierce Bone enamel on copper plaque, signed and dated 1837.

20 000 - 25 000 SEK
1 860 - 2 320 EUR
1 970 - 2 460 USD
Hammer price
32 000 SEK
Purchasing info
A Henry Pierce Bone enamel on copper plaque, signed and dated 1837.

Emalj på koppar. Efter porträtt av Van Dyck, "Prince Rupert" (1619-1682). Baktill märkt "Prince Maurice London Oct 1837 Painted for I.P. Ord Esq. by Henry Pierce Bone Enamel Painter to the Queen Dowager of her R.H. the Duchess of Kent. From the Original by Vandyck in the Collection of the Earl of Craven Combe Abbey Warwickshire". Etikettmärkt "Prince Rupert not Prince Maurice as stated by Bone - In Lodges Portraits". 22,5 x 17,5 cm.

Nedre vänstra hörn samt baksidans ena hörn med emaljskada.


Susan J. Barnes m.fl. Van Dyck, A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, New Haven och Yale University 2004, jfr sid 591, nr IV.207.