The artworks in this database are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the rights holders. The artworks are reproduced in this database with a license from Bildupphovsrätt.
"Marilyn Monroe"
Silkscreen in colours, 1967, signed in pencil and numbered 24/250 with rubber stamp on verso, printed by Aetna Silkscreen Products, Inc./Du-Art Displays, New York, published by Factory Additions, New York. L./S. 91,4 x 91,2 cm.
Mindre partier med blank nötning, mindre blanka repor i matta partier, små veck i nedre hörnen samt övre vänstra hörnet, smärre fläckar, färgerna något bleknade, fåtal hanteringsveck, obetydliga defekter längs bladets yttre kanter.
Feldman 27.
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