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Carpets, rugs and textiles

Textiles is the name for many different types of shapes, materials, techniques and areas of use. From the cradle to the grave vi surround ourselves with textiles, everything from clothes and accessories, bedclothes, furnishing textiles, decorative textiles, towels, tent canvases, sails etc. Textiles have been produced in many thousands of... Read more

Items in focus
15 items
Rug, rölakan, signed SH, approx. 240x169 cm.
21h 41m
Rug, rölakan, signed SH, approx. 240x169 cm.
Current bid 
1 600 SEK
3 000 SEK
Tablecloths, 3 pcs damask circa 1900.
1d 21h
Tablecloths, 3 pcs damask circa 1900.
Current bid 
2 500 SEK
2 500 SEK
Rug, flat weave, Sweden, 1930s, 355 x 245 cm.
2d 18h
Rug, flat weave, Sweden, 1930s, 355 x 245 cm.
Current bid 
1 000 SEK
8 000 SEK